Last week I
gave a presentation on agile project management. One of the talk's main points is, that
software architecture and documentation are very important even in agile
projects. That’s contrary to popular belief since many people seem to follow
Dilbert’s paradigm “no planning and no documentation – just start hacking and
My argument refers to the accumulation of technical and business related knowledge in the
project. The project begins with a minimum of knowledge, and while the teams
works, develops and releases it also gains new insights and new wisdom about
their technical and their business domain. At the end of the project’s duration
they end up with a maximum of knowledge. Conversely, the risk of making wrong
decisions (based on false or deceivingly true knowledge) decreases with time
(s. figure 1). That is the case with nearly every non-trivial software project.
in traditional software projects mostly all of the decisions are made in the
early phases of the project, when knowledge still is insufficiently low (s.
figure 1). That's why early decisions run a high risk of being wrong. Consequently, most of
these projects are doomed to run into trouble.
In agile
projects on the other hand, decisions are distributed more evenly over the
projects timeline. As the saying goes, they are deferred to the “latest
responsibly possible moment”. Thus, we have decisions in all stages of the
projects (s. figure 2). Early decisions need anticipation, since they always
involve some guesswork about what e.g. the customer might expect or what the
future market might look like. Later decisions need adaptation, because they
can alter earlier decisions or even involve some remaking of the software.
both methods – anticipation as well as adaptation – are needed to
manage projects, and especially in agile projects. Both have to be in some
balance (s. figure 3). But – and this is my main point – in order to enable the
team to anticipate and to adapt, the project needs a solid base, which can be
established only by correct documentation, sound software architecture and low
technical debt.
software architecture is needed for both: anticipation and adaptation. If you
anticipate some future demand (let’s say, lots of data) you may decide to
include a bigger and more scalable database. This is a anticipating
architecture decision. Likewise, if you have to adapt and must change something
in the software, you’d desperately need a stable architecture, because if it’s
not, your software might break through the change, or the change might not be
possible at all. Thus, we
can see that software architecture is at least as important in agile projects
as in traditional, if not even more important.
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